THE TAKEAWAY: Thank you to Rachel Main, from the Alzheimer’s Association and co-founder of Creative Aging San Francisco and Mary Scott, who has been teaching film as a passion for this insightful evening. They offered us a look ‘behind the scenes’ – the power of movies to foster an inclusive experience for people with different abilities (see ‘Movie Moments at the Vogue‘) , a place to connect with others that transcends cultural and social differences and lastly a place that allows us to tap into our love for play and creativity. The evening started with a clip from ‘Singing in the Rain’ and somehow many of us walked away with the determination to do more singing and dancing!
The Role of Film Watching and Film Study for Older Adults
The Role of Film Watching and Film Study for Older Adults

Share event
October 4, 2018
Rhoda Goldman Plaza
October 4, 2018
Rhoda Goldman Plaza