Maintaining and Building Community

Maintaining and Building Community

Share event

October 3, 2019

San Francisco, CA

Sometimes we grow old in a ready-made community such a traditional faith community, sometimes we are thrown into a completely new one, such as when moving into a age-supportive housing or joining a Village. In any case building and maintaining community requires disciplines and determination in later life. 
Some of the important ingredients to make this a successful endeavor surfaced in this engaging discussion:
  • One’s vocations change throughout life and is not just tied to work. One’s vocation is of value to a community at any stage in life.
  • “I matter” is critical to the health and welfare of all human beings.
  • Community sparks when as little as two people connect — and multiplies from there.
  • Demographic age is not the community builder – shared interest and passion is. Let’s ‘unclump’ age buckets
  • Trust is the key entry point into a community

Thank you to our amazing speakers:

Patty Spaniak, SF Community Living Campaign

Marcie Rogo, Senior Marketing Consultant and co-founder of Stitch, an online commmunitiy builder for people 50+

Candiece Milford, Managing Director of Marketing, Leader of the Plaza Social Club, Rhoda Goldman Plaza

Rev. Carol Antablin Miles, PhD, MDiv, Pastor of the Chinese Presbyterian Church, Oakland

We would like to thank our premier season sponsor, Rhoda Goldman Plaza & our forum sponsor the Community Living Campaign for supporting this event.

October 3, 2019 San Francisco, CA

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