A Conversation with Louise Aronson, Geriatrician and 2020 Pulitzer Prize Finalist for ‘Elderhood’

A Conversation with Louise Aronson, Geriatrician and 2020 Pulitzer Prize Finalist for ‘Elderhood’

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“We are allowing adults to make decisions about their risk, and yet not giving elders the same right to make a decision. If you are unable to make a decision for yourself that is different but most older adults are perfectly able to judge their risks and benefits. People say in a public health crisis, we make decisions for the good of everybody. Fine, but then make the burden equal across populations. Right now, we are overburdening older people at their own expense. We are stripping people of agency. This is basically a human and civil rights violation. We need to give people the information. Based on my patients and friends, people will make different choices.”
Louise Aronson on elderhood in pandemic times





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To learn more about Louise, you can visit louisearonson.com.

Listen to the recording below.

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