AHWGO’s 3rd Annual Comedy Night

AHWGO’s 3rd Annual Comedy Night

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Need something to laugh about? Join us for our 3rd Comedy Night Special!

What a year! Need something to laugh about? We do too! We have a great line up for you hosted by our own Board member and comedian, Marcie Rogo.


Turn your microphone on, we want to hear you laugh on December 17th, 8pm

Suggested donation $24

100% of proceeds go to At Home With Growing Older

We are using Zoom for this call, you can either access it by phone or from your computer. Access information will be provided in your confirmation upon registration.

Dec. 17th at 8pm PST Zoom Meeting https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ahwgos-3rd-annual-comedy-night-tickets-129835065175?aff=Website

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