A Conversation with Dr. Neal Blangiardo

A Conversation with Dr. Neal Blangiardo

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About Neal’s research:
“I turned my focus to underserved older adults. I was shocked that the study of human sexuality in later life was in its infancy. There is some landmark research, but only recently. A lot of the research that is happening about sexuality in later life is focusing on genital expression. There is money behind this from the pharmaceutical industry. Holistic sexuality is not addressed.”

About the need for resources for sexual health for older adults, such as:
“Sometimes people are single for the first time in 50 years. Physiological changes are happening. We need a place that can be resource that addresses these changes. It would also be great to have resources for families. There are some families for whom the worst thing happening is that their dad is dating again at 90!”‘

Resources that were shared during the episode:
https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/sexuality-later-life https://www.sageusa.org/


Some follow up questions and links as answers:

Is anyone researching sexuality issues for older adults with mild cognitive impairment/Alzheimer’s etc?





What are good resources regarding sexuality for those who have cognitive issues? Especially regarding how caregivers can ensure consent.
This is a great resource: https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/get-support/daily-living/sex-intimacy-dementia
Once on that page, there are helpful hyperlinks to click on. Here is one excellent example, https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/get-support/daily-living/sex-consent-dementia#content-starthttps://www.todaysgeriatricmedicine.com/archive/032414p26.shtml


What are the types of female orgasms?This conversation has vastly expanded since the days of Freud’s clitoral and vaginal orgasms framework.Dr. Mark is great and sheds some excellent light in this article for Psychology Today: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-power-pleasure/201212/different-types-female-orgasm-the-debate-continues
Two (somewhat related) resources:

Listen to the recording below.

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