Age-Friendly Living in Latinx Communities
Thank You to Our Featured Guest: Melanie Z. Plasencia, Ph.D Candidate UC Berkeley
Thank Your to Our Forum Host: Susi Stadler, Architect, Executive Director At Home With Growing Older
Episode Description:
In this conversation, we discuss the experiences and realities of older immigrants who find themselves readapting to life in the U.S., as they adjust to the needs that come with growing older. And, Melanie Z. Plasencia shares some of the findings from her research from her dissertation, “Con Sueños Que Ya Son Viejos/With Dreams That Are Already Old: How Aging Latino Immigrants Confront Inequality in Later Life.”
About Our Featured Guest, Melanie Z. Plasencia:
Melanie Z. Plasencia is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Comparative Ethnic Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, and will be graduating May 2022. She is also a César Chávez Predoctoral Fellow at Dartmouth College and will be a Postdoctoral Fellow for the 2022-2023 academic year. Melanie’s research examines how older Latina/o/xs in the U.S. negotiate the challenges of aging in the context of extreme poverty, deteriorating health, and diminishing government support. She is currently serving as the graduate student representative for the Aging and Life Course section of the American Sociological Association (ASA). Her research can be read in the Journals Social Problems and The Gerontologist and has been supported by the AARP, Center for Race & Gender, and the Ford Foundation. Her public scholarship can be read in the American Society on Aging’s journal, Generations Today, and Inside Higher Ed.
The original, live conversation was recorded on: Thursday, April 14, 2022 at 5:30 PM PST.