For this post I’d like to share a couple of interesting elder-related items situated not-so-typically: a video contest and a fashion blog.
Norwegian electronic group Royksopp just held a video contest for their new album, Senior. The winning video, I’m glad to announce, stars a few older women, and is lovely, if a bit unhinged. Check it out here. Scroll down to watch “The Alcoholic.” I rarely see music videos featuring exclusively older people, so I got a real kick out of this. Do you know of any music videos that strongly feature older folks?
This lovely blog features older folks rocking excellent style. I find it quite inspirational. Especially gratifying are the videos on this site, where the profiled elders describe their styles, or their perspectives. Talk about making sure stories are told! I’m inspired by the notion that we are constantly evolving our styles, and that we might move into bolder sartorial choices as we age.