Musing Exploring Sharing Learning Connecting Expanding One’s Thinking
These were some of the words a group of participants in AHWGO’s first strategy session used to describe what they thought the purpose of our get-togethers were.
Multidisciplinary Interesting People Stimulating Topics Informal Structure Nice Food
These were some of the words a group of participants in AHWGO’s first strategy session used to describe what they liked best about our get-togethers.
Two years after its inception, AHWGO called together a small advisory ‘council’ representative of our members, to explore what the ‘mood’ among them was and also to harness the knowledge, connections and energy of this group to attract speakers and muse about topics for future discussions.
It was rewarding to hear that AHWGO is filling a gap by giving people – outside their work and the commitments and agendas which come with it – the opportunity to explore together new ways of looking at the challenges of aging both from a societal and personal perspective in an informal setting, a ‘Salon’.
What we want to do more is to invite people from an even wider range of disciplines, such as ethicists, educators, policy makers, artists and more. We are not only affected professionally by the tsunami of aging baby boomers but we also have the chance to learn more about the ‘job of aging’ for ourselves.
-So please feel inspired to bring colleagues and friends.
What we want to do better is to make it easier for people to come to our monthly Salon. We now we have more than 70 people on our mailing list. Coming to the’ Salon on Aging’ should be relaxing and not an obstacle course of parking and traffic so we are exploring new venues in both San Francisco and Berkeley that would give everybody easy access from BART.
-If you have an idea, please let us know.
What to look forward to. We have some wonderful evenings planned for you, with topics ranging from technology to spirituality.
-If you are interested in a specific topic, are willing to contribute to our discussions with your own presentation or if you know somebody who could contribute to an interesting discussion, please let us know.
We hope that alliances, collaborations and insights will continue to spring from our Salons. Here is to our third year and don’t forget – we would love you to contribute to our blog.
-Please read and comment
We thank our coach Nancy Friedman of Next Step Consulting who expertly facilitated our strategy session.
Sure – the more the merrier. What is your group about?