A Conversation with Sarah Hill

A Conversation with Sarah Hill

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Thank You to Our Guest: Sarah Hill

Thank You to Our Host: Susi Stadler, Architect, AHWGO Executive Director

Topic: The Road Less Traveled: Doing Death with a Doula

A doula is somebody who companions and bears witness to the experience of the dying.“ 

“What I love to say to my clients is, ‘death is not an emergency.’ Sometimes it is…but in many cases it can be a non-emergency, especially once death has occurred we are allowed to slow down…We also hope that we can help families to slow down before death has occurred, be present with the experience.”

“What we are all trying to do is support people in coming home into their own innate wisdom of death and dying and reclaim it for themselves.”

– Excerpts from our conversation with Sarah Hill

Listen to the recording!

Other Resources:

Conversations on Death and Dying: 

About End-of-Life Doulas: 


Listen to the recording below.

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